Thursday, February 27, 2020

Strategic Management Decision Making Term Paper

Strategic Management Decision Making - Term Paper Example There have been many avenues for a company to expand its business. Sometimes the reasons for expansion include moving into other industry, expanding in the same industry and expanding in foreign countries. In each of the cases, the company has the choice of setting up business on its own or else going through mergers, acquisitions or any other consolidation processes. In this case, both companies are from the same country. The acquirer company, Games Workshop, would like to expand its business to some other areas which are quite related to what they are into right now. Setting up is the costliest process to come up with. For this reason, the company has decided to go with either merger or acquisition. Valuation is quite an important fact in the whole process. The positive value of the acquired firm is very much desirable. Valuation and other financials have been discussed in a later topic. Later on, it is time to think whether the acquirer would like to go for merger or acquisition. A comparative and tactical study has been done to choose the best way among these two. While the firm and the process have been chosen to be appropriate to carry on the acquisition process, it is of much importance to zero down on the tactical funding strategy. For this economic gain has been taken into account to have an idea about the proper funding strategy which is also in accordance with the financial structure of the Games Workshop. One of the main aims to go for expansion is adding shareholders’ value, which is of quite an importance to a business entity. The calculation has been done to calculate the shareholders’ value addition for each of the companies so that shareholders can have a much better idea about the situation and the added shareholders’ value after the transformation.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Restate Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Restate Goals - Essay Example Strategic goals and objectives involve a twin accomplishment: accomplish strategy formulation and strategy implementation in order to accomplish a connection between the firm and its environment. This is why strategy content, environmental scanning and corporate social responsibility. The manager must decide who are his good competitors and who are his bad competitors in the specific industry circumstances in which he competes. A key part of this policy-making process is the skill at predicting what his competitors are doing. Prediction is a vital practice because competitors, both good and bad, are not standing still. Management has a continuing and virtually inexhaustible obligation to its shareholders to increase the residual value of the corporation, rather than to increase the wealth of any other group of stakeholders, and that is the fundamental difference between the claims of other stakeholders and the claims of the shareholders to the board's decisions. Management's duty to the other stakeholders is finite, defined by contract, the law of torts, or governmental rules, and needs simply to be satisfied (Campbell 1997). Corporate goals and objectives are closely connected with organizational development embracing a wide range of intervention strategies into the social processes of an organization and involve the application of organizational behavior. Questions for discussion and training exercise: 1. Examine goals and objectives of each company. Name advantages and disadvantages of these strategies. 2. Image you are a CEO of the company. How can you restate corporate goals and objectives identified by three companies Why do you make these changes 3. Your task is to plan organizational performance according to goals and objectives. (a) Is it easy to plan organizational development strategies using these goals and objectives Explain. (b) Identify the main areas of growth and development using companies' corporate goals and objectives. Discussion Section Three organizations selected for analysis are the Alaska Railroad, HP and Nestle. These companies were selected for analysis because the yare global leaders in their industries operating of the global scale. Question: What do you know about these companies Can you identify the main similarities and differences between these giants Nestle, a leader in food industry, has the following corporate goals and objectives: " Nestl's corporate objective is to be the world's largest and best branded food manufacturer, whilst ensuring that the Nestl name is synonymous with products of the highest quality" (Nestle Corporate Objectives 2007)