Sunday, December 29, 2019

Brave New World Conformity - 949 Words

Conformity: To Not Be Your True Self In Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World, Huxley creates a futuristic world governed by conformity and submission to society. Citizens of this World State are conditioned to follow a set lifestyle determined at birth in order to create a stable civilization. However, there is still some form of individuality in each person, specifically in the characters Bernard, Lenina, and Linda. Within each of these characters, their difference in personality does not fit the norms of society, and they therefore try to suppress their own traits with unique methods such as soma. In times of sadness and despair, Bernard, Lenina, and Linda each give up a part of their own individuality and ideology, sticking to the†¦show more content†¦He tried to smile at her. Suddenly she put her arms round him and kisses him again and again† (127). Since Linda has an emotional attachment to John, she has a personality different from the other citizens of t he World State Society. However, despite the motherly connection that she could have continued with John, she chooses to sell her life to the drug soma. When Lenina lays dying in the hospital with John next to her, she unconsciously chooses her life of sex and soma she used to have over John: â€Å"She knew him for John, her son, but fancied him an intruder into that paradisal Malpais where she had been spending her soma-holiday with Popà ©Ã¢â‚¬  (205). In the very end, Linda suppresses her emotional love for John with soma and goes back to the principles and pleasantries of the World State Society. Bernard, Lenina, and Linda all have unique characteristics that set them apart from the regular citizens of the World State Society. However, all three of them have unknowingly fallen into the conformities of the state’s maladaptive rules, preferably choosing to emanate the state’s values that do not fit their own characteristics. The World State’s guidelines and regulations pull all the citizens of the World State, including Bernard, Lenina, and Linda, into one lifestyle of living through a domino effect of conformity: the more people that conform, the more harder it is to resist the urge to conform with them. Aldous Huxley’s Brave NewShow MoreRelatedEssay on Conformity in Brave New World1122 Words   |  5 PagesConformity in Brave New World      The novel, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley first published in 1932, presents a very bleak out look of what future society will be like. The novel presents a future of where almost total conformity is a carefully guarded aspect of society. Even before one is decanted they are conditioned to fill a specific roll and to act a certain way.    Everyone, while still in their jar, is conditioned to fit into a specific caste. The castes range from AlphaRead MoreThe End Of Brave New World Essay1311 Words   |  6 PagesThe end of Brave New World brings John the Savage into direct physical conflict with the brave new world which he has decided to leave. He must get rid of all burdens put upon him by this dystopian world. Fasting, whipping himself and vomiting the civilization of this harmful world to purge himself, John cries: â€Å"I ate civilization. It poisoned me; I was defiled †¦ I ate my own wickedness †¦ Now I am purified† (Huxley, Brave 183). When he was exiled outside London, he spends the first night on hisRead More Distortion in Brave New World Essay712 Words   |  3 PagesDistortion in Brave New World nbsp; Distortion is an image of a thought or idea that appears to have a single affect on a society, but in actuality provides one that is totally different. Often times in order for readers to understand the realism of todays society and the point that the author tries to make in presenting its flaws, the writer must distort reality. In doing this he urges the reader to engage in a deep thought process that forces them to realize the reality of a situation, ratherRead MoreExploration Of A Brave New World1131 Words   |  5 Pages2015 Exploration of a Brave New Individual Envision a world without despair, and everything is designed a specific way. Total freedom and perfection. Utopia is an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. Values are the determining factor to what inhabits a perfect society. Does this pertain to individual freedom, or is freedom living by societal norms? Aldous Huxley exposes these factors through his futuristic literary masterpiece Brave New World. Society is controlledRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s Brave New World Essay1704 Words   |  7 PagesIn the novels ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ and ‘Brave New World’, George Orwell and Aldous Huxley present the conflict between individuality and conformity as a key theme of their dystopian societies, inspired by the totalitarian governments of the early twentieth century. This idea is reflected in critic Jenni Calder’s argument that ‘the striking feature of society in both the novels is uniformity and lack of individ ualism’. In the novels this conflict is presented through the portrayal of state controlledRead MoreEssay on Distortion in Brave New World630 Words   |  3 PagesIn Brave New World, Huxley exaggerates the fact that a world that strives for stability must eliminate individualism and relationships. One major distortion in Brave New World is the prevention of individualism. In order to live in a Utopia, a person cannot be an individual. Huxley makes this clear from the first page of the novel, revealing the World State’s motto of â€Å"Community, Identity, Stability.† Conformity is what this society strives for. Individuals cannot make up a community, which is whyRead MoreEssay on Brave New World696 Words   |  3 PagesBrave New World George Santayana once said, â€Å"Ideal society is a drama enacted exclusively in the imagination.† In life, there is no such thing as a â€Å"complete utopia†, although that is what many people try to achieve. Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is an attempt at a utopian society. In this brave new world, mothers and fathers and family are non-existent. Besides being non-existent, when words of that sort are mentioned, ears are covered and faces of disgust are made. In a report to theRead MoreEssay Brave New World by Aldous Huxley847 Words   |  4 PagesAfraid New World Aldous Huxley’s â€Å"Brave New World† highlights the theme of society and individualism. Huxley uses the future world and its inhabitants to represents conflict of how the replacement of stability in place of individualism produces adverse side effects. Each society has individuals ranging from various jobs and occupations and diverse personalities and thoughts. Every member contributes to society in his or her own way. However, when people’s individuality is repressed, the whole conceptRead MoreSummary Of Brave New World By Charles Dudley Warner Essay1156 Words   |  5 PagesEthicality in Conformity â€Å"We are half ruined by conformity, but we should be wholly ruined without it†. The aforementioned quote by Charles Dudley Warner appears to parallel the views on conformity Aldous Huxley created in his novel â€Å"Brave New World†. Conformity, and with this, stability, in Huxley’s world is only possible with the excessive use of conditioning and the hyper-cloning of zygotes called â€Å"Bokanovsky’s Process†. Conditioning is not something created in â€Å"Brave New World†. BehavioristsRead MoreBrave New World And The Island898 Words   |  4 PagesImagine a perfect world where everything is controlled; your job, your everyday life, even your thoughts. You would never have to think about anything ever again, but Aldous Huxley, the writer of Brave New World and Michael Bay, the director of The Island, both attempt to depict the dangers of this â€Å"utopia†. Although Brave New World and The Island both successfully communicate sat ire, Brave New World is better at eliciting people to think and change. In both Brave New World and The Island, one aspect

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Classical Architecture Essay - 595 Words

Classical Architecture The West has always put a great emphasis on how beholden it is to many cultural and political institutions derived from Classical Antiquity. This has been most consistent in aesthetic conceptions of art and architecture. Many monuments and architectural traditions of the West derive directly from ancient sources, in an attempt to link the ideals of modern life with those of ancient Greece and Rome. Nowhere is this more evident than in the capitol of the United States where a Neo-Classical style predominates. The Lincoln Memorial built in 1822 embodies the conscious attempt to sanctify an American President with a classical model. It was based upon the quintessential classical building of the Parthenon. The†¦show more content†¦The Parthenon has served as an architectural model on which to instill the connection between the Ancient and Modern worlds. It is no wonder that the young American Republic would latch onto the Neo-Classical ideal that dominated European aesthetics for the first half of the 19th century. They wished to both sanctify a fallen leader and idealized man, and make a conscious connection with the first democratic society. They chose the Parthenon as their model precisely because it serves as the climax of the Greek political and artistic lives. Lincoln would be sitting within a recess behind fluted columns, much like the venerated statue of Athena within the Parthenon by the sculptor Pheidias. This temple structure dedicated to Lincoln simultaneously venerates an American President and links him with every core Classical ideal by its modeling the design of the Parthenon. American architects seemed to be insinuating that the capitol of the new Republic was a new Athens. This was politically, as a democratic Republic, and culturally as the supposed exemplar of the liberal humanist vision of the free citizen. A monument like the Lincoln Memorial coalesced what the Republic desired itself to stand for. The same thing transpired in 5th century BCE when Pericles pushed for the rebuilding of the Acropolis, and the Parthenon. Its sculpturesShow MoreRelatedClassical Greek Architecture On Modern Architecture959 Words   |  4 PagesClassical Greek Architecture in Carlisle The influence of Classical Greek Architecture on modern architecture is evident all over Pennsylvania. Carlisle, in particular, is full of old buildings that utilize the styles of the Greek Classical Period. The Old Cumberland County Courthouse is a perfect example of how the architectural styles of the Classical Period have been carried out through time. This building is a historical landmark, located in downtown Carlisle, which was built in 1846 and currentlyRead MoreEssay on Classical Architecture: An Everlasting Imprint1205 Words   |  5 PagesBoth buildings contain entrances with wide porticos that lead into the building. William MacDonald describes the message of the Pantheon as a â€Å"compounded of mystery and fact, of stasis and mutability, of earth and that above, pulses through the architecture of western man; its progeny, in both shape and idea.[2] The Pantheon has left an everlasting impression on many architectsand art enthusiasts throughout the generations and it’s evident to see that the architect of the east faà §ade of the highRead MoreArchitecture: Classical Greek vs. Medieval Gothic Essays996 Words   |  4 PagesArchitecture: Classical Greek vs. Medieval Gothic Wendy DeLisio HUM_266 September 24, 2012 Taniya Hossain Architecture: Classical Greek vs. Medieval Gothic Looking at the design of different structures throughout the world, one may not realize the beauty of the art in each of them or the ideals on which they were constructed. For example the classical Greek era, 480 BCE – 330 BCE that held the ideals ofRead MoreClassical Greek Architecture1848 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Classical Greek Architecture The Ancient Greek population was one of the most powerful civilizations of the world. And the power of the people did not reside particularly in military strength, but more so in the high development of its culture and civilization. The ancient Greeks revealed increased levels of innovation in numerous fields. They for instance focused on sporting activities and other competitions and games; they revered their gods and goddesses and they created new teachings thatRead More Classical Greek Architecture Essay1279 Words   |  6 PagesClassical Greek Architecture The reuse of older art works in contemporary times is not an uncommon occurrence, and many examples can be seen throughout the day as one goes from place to place. 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A full-scaleRead MoreIndigo Jones and the Classical Language of Architecture1319 Words   |  6 PagesInigo Jones and the Classical Language of Architecture Classical architecture elements can be traced from early Greek and Roman styles. Classici refer to the highest rank of Roman social structure. Classical norms are based on a formal hierarchal system of clarity, symmetry, deceptive simplicity, harmonious proportion and completeness. (Curl, 12) There is a difference seen between the inside and the outside of a building. Classical architecture develops every part individually as theseRead MoreThe Influence of the Greeks and Romans on Architecture894 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction â€Å"Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.† (Gehry, 2012). What Frank Gehry was trying to say in simple terms was our culture cannot do without proper appreciation of its classical roots and it goes without saying that the Romans and Greeks have influenced art and architecture with its classical style in a number of different ways. Allow me to give a definition for the word classical. â€Å"Classical† refers to any art or architecture modelled after ancientRead MorePlato s Classical Athenian Architecture, Drama, And Arts1762 Words   |  8 Pagesfamilies. Besides being born into an illustrious family, Plato was born into an illustrious city. He was born in the wake of Athens’s Golden Age, the period that had witnessed Athens’s the beginning of the strongest Greek power, the birth of classical Athenian architecture, drama, and arts. His father Ariston died when he was a child. His mother Perictione remarried the poli tician Pyrilampes. He was educated in philosophy, poetry and gymnastics by distinguished Athenian teachers including the philosopherRead MoreThe Library On Franklin And Marshalls Campus1426 Words   |  6 PagesCollege has numerous historic buildings, Shad-Fack Library stands out for its classical Greek facade which prominently covers the main entrance of the library. The collonaded facade is an exceptional visual on Franklin and Marshall’s campus and thus, a careful exploration of its design/layout, visual appeal and overall effect is in order. In order to assess this notable structure, a careful evaluation of its classical components is first necessary. In examining the facade, this description will

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Host Chapter 42 Forced Free Essays

string(89) " had one hand on Jared’s shoulder and was guiding him, almost pushing him forward\." Ian’s jaw fell slack. â€Å"You†¦ what?† â€Å"I’ll explain in a minute. This isn’t fair to you, but†¦ please. We will write a custom essay sample on The Host Chapter 42: Forced or any similar topic only for you Order Now Just kiss me.† â€Å"It won’t upset you? Melanie won’t bother you?† â€Å"Ian!† I complained. â€Å"Please!† Still confused, he put his hands on my waist and pulled my body against his. His face was so worried, I wondered if this would even work. I hardly needed the romance, but maybe he did. He closed his eyes as he leaned toward me, an automatic thing. His lips pressed lightly against mine once, and then he pulled back to look at me with the same worried expression. Nothing. â€Å"No, Ian. Really kiss me. Like†¦ like you’re trying to get slapped. Do you understand?† â€Å"No. What’s wrong? Tell me first.† I put my arms around his neck. It felt strange; I wasn’t at all sure how to do this right. I pushed up on my toes and pulled his head down at the same time until I could reach his lips with mine. This wouldn’t have worked with another species. Another mind wouldn’t have been so easily overwhelmed by its body. Other species had their priorities in better order. But Ian was human, and his body responded. I shoved my mouth against his, gripping his neck tighter with my arms when his first reaction was to hold me away. Remembering how his mouth had moved with mine before, I tried to mimic that movement now. His lips opened with mine, and I felt an odd thrill of triumph at my success. I caught his lower lip between my teeth and heard a low, wild sound break from his throat in surprise. And then I didn’t have to try anymore. One of Ian’s hands trapped my face, while the other clamped around the small of my back, holding me so close that it was hard to pull a breath into my constricted chest. I was gasping, but so was he. His breath mingled with mine. I felt the stone wall touch my back, press against it. He used it to bind me even closer. There was no part of me that wasn’t fused to part of him. It was just the two of us, so close that we hardly counted as two. Just us. No one else. Alone. Ian felt it when I gave up. He must have been waiting for this-not as entirely ruled by his body as I’d imagined. He eased back as soon as my arms went limp, but kept his face next to mine, the tip of his nose touching the tip of mine. I dropped my arms, and he took a deep breath. Slowly, he loosened both his hands and then placed them lightly on my shoulders. â€Å"Explain,† he said. â€Å"She’s not here,† I whispered, still breathing in gasps. â€Å"I can’t find her. Not even now.† â€Å"Melanie?† â€Å"I can’t hear her! Ian, how can I go back in to Jamie? He’ll know that I’m lying! How can I tell him that I’ve lost his sister now? Ian, he’s sick! I can’t tell him that! I’ll upset him, make it harder for him to get well. I -â€Å" Ian’s fingers pressed against my lips. â€Å"Shh, shh. Okay. Let’s think about this. When was the last time you heard her?† â€Å"Oh, Ian! It was right after I saw†¦ in the hospital. And she tried to defend them†¦ and I screamed at her†¦ and I-I made her go away! And I haven’t heard her since. I can’t find her!† â€Å"Shh,† he said again. â€Å"Calmly. Okay. Now, what do you really want? I know you don’t want to upset Jamie, but he’s going to be fine regardless. So, consider-would it be better, just for you, if -â€Å" â€Å"No! I can’t erase Melanie! I can’t. That would be wrong! That would make me a monster, too!† â€Å"Okay, okay! Okay. Shh. So we have to find her?† I nodded urgently. He took another deep breath. â€Å"Then you need to†¦ really be overwhelmed, don’t you?† â€Å"I don’t know what you mean.† I was afraid I did, though. Kissing Ian was one thing-even a pleasant thing, maybe, if I wasn’t so racked with worry-but anything more†¦ elaborate†¦ Could I? Mel would be furious if I used her body that way. Was that what I had to do to find her? But what about Ian? It was so grossly unfair to him. â€Å"I’ll be right back,† Ian promised. â€Å"Stay here.† He pressed me against the wall for emphasis and then ducked back out into the hallway. It was hard to obey. I wanted to follow him, to see what he was doing and where he was going. We had to talk about this; I had to think it through. But I had no time. Jamie was waiting for me, with questions that I couldn’t answer with lies. No, he wasn’t waiting for me; he was waiting for Melanie. How could I have done this? What if she was really gone? Mel, Mel, Mel, come back! Melanie, Jamie needs you. Not me-he needs you. He’s sick, Mel. Mel, can you hear that? Jamie is sick! I was talking to myself. No one heard. My hands were trembling with fear and stress. I wouldn’t be able to wait here much longer. I felt like the anxiety was going to make me swell until I popped. Finally, I heard footsteps. And voices. Ian wasn’t alone. Confusion swept through me. â€Å"Just think of it as†¦ an experiment,† Ian was saying. â€Å"Are you crazy?† Jared answered. â€Å"Is this some sick joke?† My stomach dropped through the floor. Overwhelmed. That’s what he’d meant. Blood burned in my face, hot as Jamie’s fever. What was Ian doing to me? I wanted to run, to hide somewhere better than my last hiding place, somewhere I could never, ever be found, no matter how many flashlights they used. But my legs were shaking, and I couldn’t move. Ian and Jared came into view in the room where the tunnels met. Ian’s face was expressionless; he had one hand on Jared’s shoulder and was guiding him, almost pushing him forward. You read "The Host Chapter 42: Forced" in category "Essay examples" Jared was staring at Ian with anger and doubt. â€Å"Through here,† Ian encouraged, forcing Jared toward me. I flattened my back against the rock. Jared saw me, saw my mortified expression, and stopped. â€Å"Wanda, what’s this about?† I threw Ian one blazing glance of reproach and then tried to meet Jared’s eyes. I couldn’t do it. I looked at his feet instead. â€Å"I lost Melanie,† I whispered. â€Å"You lost her!† I nodded miserably. His voice was hard and angry. â€Å"How?† â€Å"I’m not sure. I made her be quiet†¦ but she always comes back†¦ always before†¦ I can’t hear her now†¦ and Jamie†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"She’s gone?† Muted agony in his voice. â€Å"I don’t know. I can’t find her.† Deep breath. â€Å"Why does Ian think I have to kiss you?† â€Å"Not kiss me,† I said, my voice so faint I could barely hear it myself. â€Å"Kiss her. Nothing upset her more than when you kissed us†¦ before. Nothing pulled her to the surface like that. Maybe†¦ No. You don’t have to. I’ll try to find her myself.† I still had my eyes on his feet, so I saw him step toward me. â€Å"You think, if I kiss her†¦?† I couldn’t even nod. I tried to swallow. Familiar hands brushed my neck, tracing down either side to my shoulders. My heart thudded loud enough that I wondered if he could hear it. I was so embarrassed, forcing him to touch me this way. What if he thought it was a trick-my idea, not Ian’s? I wondered if Ian was still there, watching. How much would this hurt him? One hand continued, as I knew it would, down my arm to my wrist, leaving a trail of fire behind it. The other cupped beneath my jaw, as I knew it must, and pulled my face up. His cheek pressed against mine, the skin burning where we were connected, and he whispered in my ear. â€Å"Melanie. I know you’re there. Come back to me.† His cheek slowly slid back, and his chin tilted to the side so that his mouth covered mine. He tried to kiss me softly. I could tell that he tried. But his intentions went up in smoke, just like before. There was fire everywhere, because he was everywhere. His hands traced my skin, burning it. His lips tasted every inch of my face. The rock wall slammed into my back, but there was no pain. I couldn’t feel anything besides the burning. My hands knotted in his hair, pulling him to me as if there were any possible way for us to be closer. My legs wrapped around his waist, the wall giving me the leverage I needed. His tongue twisted with mine, and there was no part of my mind that was not invaded by the insane desire that possessed me. He pulled his mouth free and pressed his lips to my ear again. â€Å"Melanie Stryder!† It was so loud in my ear, a growl that was almost a shout. â€Å"You will not leave me. Don’t you love me? Prove it! Prove it! Damn it, Mel! Get back here!† His lips attacked mine again. Ahhh, she groaned weakly in my head. I couldn’t think to greet her. I was on fire. The fire burned its way to her, back to the tiny corner where she drooped, nearly lifeless. My hands fisted around the fabric of Jared’s T-shirt, yanking it up. This was their idea; I didn’t tell them what to do. His hands burned on the skin of my back. Jared? she whispered. She tried to orient herself, but the mind we shared was so disoriented. I felt the muscles of his stomach under my palms, my hands crushed between us. What? Where†¦ Melanie struggled. I broke away from his mouth to breathe, and his lips scorched their way down my throat. I buried my face in his hair, inhaling the scent. Jared! Jared! NO! I let her flow through my arms, knowing this was what I wanted, though I could barely pay attention now. The hands on his stomach turned hard, angry. The fingers clawed at his skin and then shoved him as hard as they could. â€Å"NO!† she shouted through my lips. Jared caught her hands, then caught me against the wall before I could fall. I sagged, my body confused by the conflicting directions it was receiving. â€Å"Mel? Mel!† â€Å"What are you doing?† He groaned in relief. â€Å"I knew you could do it! Ah, Mel!† He kissed her again, kissed the lips that she now controlled, and we could both taste the tears that ran down his face. She bit him. Jared jumped back from us, and I slid to the floor, landing in a wilted heap. He started laughing. â€Å"That’s my girl. You still got her, Wanda?† â€Å"Yes,† I gasped. What the hell, Wanda? she screeched at me. Where have you been? Do you have any idea what I’ve been going through trying to find you? Yeah, I can see that you were really suffering. Oh, I’ll suffer, I promised her. I could already feel it coming on. Just like before†¦ She was flipping through my thoughts as fast as she could. Jamie? That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. He needs you. Then why aren’t we with him? Because he’s probably a bit young to watch this kind of thing. She searched through some more. Wow, Ian, too. I’m glad I missed that part. I was so worried. I didn’t know what to do†¦ Well, c’mon. Let’s go. â€Å"Mel?† Jared asked. â€Å"She’s here. She’s furious. She wants to see Jamie.† Jared put his arm around me and helped me up. â€Å"You can be as mad as you want, Mel. Just stick around.† How long was I gone? Three days is all. Her voice was suddenly smaller. Where was I? You don’t know? I can’t remember†¦ anything. We shuddered. â€Å"You okay?† Jared asked. â€Å"Sort of.† â€Å"Was that her before, talking to me-talking out loud?† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"Can she†¦ can you let her do that now?† I sighed. I was already exhausted. â€Å"I can try.† I closed my eyes. Can you get past me? I asked her. Can you talk to him? I†¦ How? Where? I tried to flatten myself against the inside of my head. â€Å"C’mon,† I murmured. â€Å"Here.† Melanie struggled, but there was no way out. Jared’s lips came down on mine, hard. My eyes flew open in shock. His gold-flecked eyes were open, too, half an inch away. She jerked our head back. â€Å"Cut that out! Don’t touch her!† He smiled, the little creases feathering out around his eyes. â€Å"Hey, baby.† That’s not funny. I tried to breathe again. â€Å"She’s not laughing.† He left his arm around me. Around us. We walked out into the tunnel junction, and there was no one there. No Ian. â€Å"I’m warning you, Mel,† Jared said, still smiling widely. Teasing. â€Å"You better stay right here. I’m not making any guarantees about what I will or won’t do to get you back.† My stomach fluttered. Tell him I’ll throttle him if he touches you like that again. But her threat was a joke, too. â€Å"She’s threatening your life right now,† I told him. â€Å"But I think she’s being facetious.† He laughed, giddy with relief. â€Å"You’re so serious all the time, Wanda.† â€Å"Your jokes aren’t funny,† I muttered. Not to me. Jared laughed again. Ah, Melanie said. You are suffering. I’ll try not to let Jamie see. Thank you for bringing me back. I won’t erase you, Melanie. I’m sorry I can’t give you more than that. Thank you. â€Å"What’s she saying?† â€Å"We’re just†¦ making up.† â€Å"Why couldn’t she talk before, when you were trying to let her?† â€Å"I don’t know, Jared. There really isn’t enough room for both of us. I can’t seem to get myself out of the way completely. It’s like†¦ not like holding your breath. Like trying to pause your heartbeats. I can’t make myself not exist. I don’t know how.† He didn’t answer, and my chest throbbed with pain. How joyful he would be if I could figure out how to erase myself! Melanie wanted to†¦ not to contradict me, but to make me feel better; she struggled to find words to soften my agony. She couldn’t come up with the right ones. But Ian would be devastated. And Jamie. Jeb would miss you. You have so many friends here. Thanks. I was glad that we were back to our room now. I needed to think about something else before I started crying. Now wasn’t the time for self-pity. There were more important issues at hand than my heart, breaking yet again. How to cite The Host Chapter 42: Forced, Essay examples